Managed Review Guarantee: The Most Predictable One-Year-Old

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DISCO shakes up the traditional review model, where legal teams have grown accustomed to costs running over and deadlines slipping. With the cutting-edge technology today — like DISCO Ediscovery — getting great results should feel effortless. But technology will only get you so far — you need a fantastic team of experts and battle-tested workflows to complete the picture, and we had all of the pieces to create a masterpiece of an offering. We are so confident in our team and our ability to deliver superior results that we decided to guarantee the cost and deadline of document reviews.

A little over a year after introducing the industry’s first managed review guarantee, we're proud to say that 100% of our guaranteed reviews were completed on time and on budget. While we confirmed that our methodology centered on people, process, and technology empowers us to honor our guarantee, we also gave our clients something that 2020 has failed to do. In a year where nothing was predictable or worry-free, our team was something our clients could truly depend on. If you’re looking to gain peace of mind for your budget and your deadline, here are three reasons why partnering with our team is one of the best investments you can make for your cases.

We’ve got skin in the game

Document review has become the most costly, resource-intensive, time-consuming, and unpredictable part of the discovery process. Historically, traditional review vendors provide estimates based on balancing the time available with the number of reviewers it will take to complete a project by the deadline. Did the time frame shorten? Hire more reviewers, increasing the cost and decreasing the chances of quality results. Is the budget tight? Leverage a smaller review team, but sacrifice a speedy finish and accuracy. This makes it difficult to predict timelines and outcomes accurately, and nearly impossible to guarantee any part of the process. If they do, you can be assured that traditional vendors are charging more upfront so they can give a discount later. 

DISCO implements document review differently, allowing us to provide a guarantee to our clients without hedging on the budget. We rely on innovative features like DISCO AI-prioritized workflows, “just-in-time” batching, and AI-enabled QC processes to increase the accuracy and quality of our results. In addition, our software is 10x faster than legacy platforms, and combined with DISCO AI, enables our reviewers to average 88 docs/hr — 60% faster than the industry average. This speed and accuracy not only makes our review process superior, but it also facilitates our ability to provide a level of transparency to our clients that traditional review vendors cannot. DISCO Review clients never have to worry about hidden costs or charges, and can instead focus on using our findings to make their cases stronger. 

Partnering with engineering strengthens our platform and process

Traditional vendors typically have multiple ediscovery platforms at their disposal. Since they are not married to any of them, they are less inclined to provide feedback on the technology. In addition, their reviewers' product knowledge is inconsistent and spread thin. This makes them jacks of all trades and masters of none, requiring more time to ramp up for each review, ultimately slowing down your timeline. The DISCO Review team leverages DISCO Ediscovery exclusively, and with their product expertise they need minimal ramp time and can begin a review within a few days.     

This depth of product knowledge also means that we consistently make our ediscovery platform stronger. Whenever our reviewers find a clever or unique approach to a problem, we work directly with the DISCO product team to share our findings. Our software engineers are able to watch, learn, and integrate our proven approach into the platform, which benefits all DISCO clients. Recently this collaboration led to innovation in real-time QC, based on how our reviewers leveraged DISCO AI to keep QC costs low. (By the way, our clients’ QC is typically less than 10% of our clients’ total review hours.) This feedback loop between our expert reviewers and our world-class engineers ensures our platform is built for real-life review situations, meaning you can rest assured that it will meet your needs.  

Investing in our people creates the optimal client experience

Traditional vendors are comfortable with the status quo. They see no issue in leveraging antiquated technology designed to handle linear workflows and are not inclined to develop relationships with their review teams. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest differences between us and them. Not only do we have superior, cutting-edge technology, but we also believe that our reviewers are our chief asset in the managed review business. We make it a priority to invest in our team members, because when they are expertly trained in both DISCO Ediscovery and our best practices, they produce results that our clients can count on.

Our review managers go far beyond the administrative tasks that keep a document review moving forward. They are industry veterans and DISCO power users, who are focused on not only delivering fast and accurate reviews, but also offering our clients insights and suggestions to improve review results and the overall experience. Review managers are also focused on driving clear communication protocols and creating tight feedback loops from the inception of every project. This allows us to mitigate mistakes early, saving time and ensuring that our clients know exactly how their review is progressing every step of the way. 

The result is that we know how much a project will cost and how long it will take — and are able to pass that certainty to our clients.

What’s next?

While nothing about 2020 has been predictable or worry-free (except for our managed review guarantee), it has been filled with document review success stories for our clients. As we look to 2021 and continue to expand our review services and guarantee throughout EMEA and APAC, we remain committed to providing excellence in the realm of ediscovery. With our people, process, and technology as the bedrock of DISCO Review, we are excited to continue pushing our solution to new heights and creating new offerings that will ultimately help our clients achieve better legal outcomes.

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