DISCO Review

AI-powered document reviews that are on time and on budget — guaranteed

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Managed review, reinvented

We do more than just review documents. We partner with you to chart out the most efficient review strategy so you can stop worrying about looming deadlines, write-offs, and burning out your team. DISCO Review offers proven and defensible technology-driven processes that allow our team to blaze through document reviews and identify relevant information up to 60% faster than the industry average.

A managed review service you’ll love

Seeing the results from our AI-driven technology, expert reviewers, and guaranteed pricing, you (and your clients) just might get excited about review again.

Technology-assisted review

By combining DISCO AI, our powerful platform, and deep expertise, the DISCO Review team consistently delivers reviews that are on time and on budget.

Review experts

Your reviews are in safe hands. Our industry veterans are experienced and DISCO Certified so they know how to get the most out of our platform to surface evidence faster and deliver higher-quality reviews.

Guaranteed pricing

Put your write-down and write-off worries to rest. Our increased speed and accuracy offer something unprecedented in the managed review space: predictable timelines and pricing.

Schedule a one-on-one with us

The DISCO Review team may help you reduce costs, manpower requirements, and overall review time.

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If you’re experiencing a lack of resources, time, or expertise, our team can fill any litigation gap.

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DISCO Review blogs

Industry & Legal Education

Alternate Legal History: If Enron Had DISCO


Industry & Legal Education

Robots v. Rube Goldberg Machines: How AI Helps Solve The Precision and Recall Gap

DISCO Review

Product Spotlight

Costly Leaks In Your Ship: 4 Hidden Costs of Document Review

DISCO Review

Document Review On Time and On Budget, Guaranteed

DISCO Review offers proven, repeatable, and defensible technology-driven processes and an expert, DISCO-certified team. The DISCO Review team may help you reduce costs, manpower requirements, and overall review time.

Learn about our on-time, on-budget managed review guarantee

Consult with our professional services team and AI experts